
About this course
PKGGI realizes that there is a huge gap between demand and supply of Skilled Technical Manpower to industries. For this partially educated persons are needed to be trained in basic skills such that they can do jobs. Thus PKGGI is creating a learning environment and simultaneously providing them the opportunities for such peoples to realize their complete potential. Further “Preparing India for Better Tomorrow” by;
• Ensuring a steady flow of skilled workers in different trades for the industry.
• Raising the quality and quantity of industrial production by systematic training of workers.
• Reducing unemployment among the educated youth by equipping them with suitable industrialskill
for employment.
In PKGGI, emphasis is laid on development of individual aptitudes for learning and ability to adapt
to the practical working. We provide a curriculum designed to develop a trainee so that he/she emerges
as Technically Skilled citizen who can adjust him/ herself in the modern industry as well as be a skilled
and successful entrepreneur.
Scope for Students
• Operator in any production industry
• Sales & Marketing
• Own Business / Workshop
• Further higher study – Diploma Engineering